
Online English coaching with native Irish teachers

A fun, interactive, online English program starting on 30th August 2023. The course is in 4-week modules with each module focusing on a topic (eg. travel, education, cinema/TV, experiences) using all the essential English skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.  Each week you receive a worksheet with a variety of activities and tasks, which can be done at your pace, such as 10 minutes on Monday, 15 minutes on Tuesday and 20 minutes on Thursday.   You will record your speaking tasks and send your written tasks on LINE (or another chosen app). Jane, your English coach will record and send you personalised feedback and tailored advice twice a week. There are optional group workshops (maximum 3 people) once a month. This program will help you to boost your confidence and your English, to develop effective English habits for progress and to feel supported and guided.

Feel inspired with Jane, Your English Coach

An exciting, fun, interactive, varied programme of short, bite-sized activities to boost your English.

COURSE 1: 30th August to 19th December 2023

Module 1: 30th August to 26th September
Module 2: 27th September to 24th October
Module 3: 25th October to 21st November
Module 4: 22nd November to 19th December

One module = 4 weeks = One focus topic using all English skills

Your English week is from Wednesday to Tuesday.
Every Wednesday you will be sent the worksheet for your English week.

Here is a basic example of your English week guidelines:

✓Fit English into your busy life
✓Feel motivated and supported
✓Start good English habits

Day 1 Watch the short video 2 or 3 times 10 minutes
Day 2 Read and answer questions about the video 10-15 minutes
Day 3 Check the focus vocabulary and make example sentences 10 minutes
Day 4 Look at short reading about week’s topic 10 minutes
Day 5 Complete gap-fill about reading 10 minutes

• This is self-paced learning. You choose the day and the time to do the exercises. It is very flexible. You can combine 2 days together, for example

Here an example your English week for English learner, Josef, decided by him:

1. Wednesday morning: Josef receives your English week worksheet from Jane for week 1.
2. Wednesday evening: Josef watches the short video a few times. (10 minutes)
3. Thursday afternoon: Josef reads the 5 comprehension questions about the video/topic and records his answers on LINE*. (10 minutes)
4. Friday morning: Josef listens to recorded comments and feedback from Jane on LINE* and checks the week’s vocabulary/phrases (5 minutes)
5. Sunday evening: Josef writes or records 5 example sentences using the target vocabulary (10 minutes)
6. Monday afternoon: Josef does the short reading a few times (10 minutes)
7. Tuesday morning: Josef answers the gap-fill exercise about the reading (10 minutes)
8. Tuesday evening: Josef receives the week’s final feedback and recorded comments from Jane on LINE*
9. Wednesday morning: Josef receives your English week worksheet from Jane for week 2.

*Recordings and written answers can be on LINE, Messenger, Skype.