
New Zealand Language Centresのキャンパス移転について

ニュージーランドのオークランドに立地する語学学校「New Zealand Language Centres」から移転に関する案内がありましたので、同校からのメッセージを以下にご共有させていただきます。

Today we have a very important and exciting update regarding the location of our Auckland school. We would appreciate you taking some time to familiarise yourself with the information below and making these changes in your promotional materials and on your website, as well as sharing them with your team.

Currently our school operates from 104 Customs Street West and 4 Hobson Street, Auckland and we are in the process of relocating our school to levels 1, 3, 9 and 12 at 242 Queen Street in the Auckland CBD.

From Monday 4 September 2023, NZLC will no longer be operating from our Customs Street building.

Instead, we will first be operating from new premises at levels 9 + 12 at 242 Queen Street as well as at 4 Hobson Street.

We will be contacting any of your students who are affected by the move and will make sure they are familiar with the location of the new premises.

We will also have a temporary location at level 9 at 220 Queen Street, while we complete the building work on levels 1 + 3 at 242 Queen Street. This building work is set to be finished by the end of October.

From Monday 13 November our core administration services will run from level 3 at 242 Queen Street. Until that time, our administration centre will be based at 4 Hobson Street.

We will update you again nearer the time.

New Zealand Language Centresの詳細はこちら